pyAttributes Module

This Python module offers the base implementation of .NET-like attributes realized with Python decorators. This module comes also with a mixin-class to ease using classes having annotated methods.

The decorators in pyAttributes are implemented as class-based decorators.

The annotated data is stored in an additional __dict__ entry for each annotated method. By default the entry is called __pyattr__.


A type variable for Attribute.

alias of TypeVar(‘TAttr’, bound=Attribute)


A type hint for a predicate parameter that accepts either a single Attribute or an iterable of those.

alias of Optional[Union[TAttr, Iterable[TAttr]]]


class pyAttributes.Attribute[source]

Bases: object

Base-class for all pyAttributes.

_classes: List[Any] = []

List of classes, this pyAttribute was attached to.


Make all classes derived from Attribute callable, so they can be used as a decorator.

Return type:

TypeVar(Entity, bound= Union[Type, Callable])

static _AppendAttribute(entity, attribute)[source]

Helper method, to attach a given pyAttribute to an entity (function, class, method).

Return type:


classmethod GetClasses(scope=None, predicate=None)[source]

Return a generator for all classes, where this attribute was attached to.

The resulting item stream can be filtered by:
  • scope - when the item is a nested class in scope scope.

  • predicate - when the item is a subclass of predicate.

Return type:

Generator[Type, None, None]

classmethod GetAttributes(method, includeSubClasses=True)[source]

Returns attached attributes for a given method.

Return type:



class pyAttributes.AttributeHelperMixin[source]

Bases: object

A mixin class to ease finding methods with attached pyAttributes.

static HasAttribute(method, predicate=<class 'pyAttributes.Attribute'>)[source]

Returns true, if the given method has pyAttributes attached.

Return type:


static GetAttributes(method, predicate=<class 'pyAttributes.Attribute'>)[source]

Returns a list of pyAttributes attached to the given method.

Return type:

List[TypeVar(TAttr, bound= Attribute)]