
Module Configuration provides an abstract configuration reader.

It supports any configuration file syntax, which provides:

  • scalar elements (integer, string, …),

  • sequences (ordered lists), and

  • dictionaries (key-value-pairs).

The abstracted data model is based on a common Node class, which is derived to a Sequence, Dictionary and Configuration class.

Inheritance diagram:

Inheritance diagram of pyTooling.Configuration


A Dictionary represents key-value-pairs of information.

// one-liner style
{"key1": "item1", "key2": "item2", "key3": "item3"}

// multi-line style
  "key1": "item1",
  "key2": "item2",
  "key3": "item3"
# one-liner style
section_1 = {key1 = "item1", key2 = "item2", key3 = "item3"}

# section style
key1 = "item1"
key2 = "item2"
key3 = "item3"
# one-liner style
{key1: item1, key2: item2, key3: item3}

# multi-line style
key1: item1
key2: item2
key3: item3
  <item key="key1">item1</item>
  <item key="key2">item2</item>
  <item key="key3">item3</item>


CONFIG:: Needs documentation for Dictionary


A Sequence represents ordered information items.

// one-liner style
["item1", "item2", "item3"]

// multi-line style
# one-liner style
section_1 = ["item1", "item2", "item3"]

# multi-line style
section_2 = [
# one-liner style
[item1, item2, item3]

# multi-line style
- item1
- item2
- item3


CONFIG:: Needs documentation for Sequences


A Configuration represents the whole configuration (file) made of sequences, dictionaries and scalar information items.

{ "version": "1.0",
  "settings": {
    "key1": "item1",
    "key2": "item2"
  "files": [


Not yet implemented.

version = "1.0"

key1 = "item1"
key2 = "item2"

files = [
version: "1.0"
  key1: item1
  key2: item2
  - path/to/file1.ext
  - path/to/file2.ext
  - path/to/file3.ext


Not yet implemented.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<configuration version="1.0">
    <setting key="key1">item1</setting>
    <setting key="key2">item2</setting>


CONFIG:: Needs documentation for Configuration

Data Model


CONFIG:: Needs documentation for Data Model

flowchart TD Configuration --> Dictionary Configuration --> Sequence Dictionary --> Dictionary Sequence --> Sequence Dictionary --> Sequence Sequence --> Dictionary

Creating a Concrete Implementation

Follow these steps to derive a concrete implementation of the abstract configuration data model.

  1. Import classes from abstract data model

    from . import (
      Node as Abstract_Node,
      Dictionary as Abstract_Dict,
      Sequence as Abstract_Seq,
      Configuration as Abstract_Configuration,
      KeyT, NodeT, ValueT
  2. Derive a node, which might hold references to nodes in the source file’s parser for later usage.

    class Node(Abstract_Node):
      _configNode: Union[CommentedMap, CommentedSeq]
      # further local fields
      def __init__(self, root: "Configuration", parent: NodeT, key: KeyT, configNode: Union[CommentedMap, CommentedSeq]) -> None:
        Abstract_Node.__init__(self, root, parent)
        self._configNode = configNode
      # Implement mandatory methods and properties
  3. Derive a dictionary class:

    class Dictionary(Node, Abstract_Dict):
      def __init__(self, root: "Configuration", parent: NodeT, key: KeyT, configNode: CommentedMap) -> None:
        Node.__init__(self, root, parent, key, configNode)
      # Implement mandatory methods and properties
  4. Derive a sequence class:

    class Sequence(Node, Abstract_Seq):
      def __init__(self, root: "Configuration", parent: NodeT, key: KeyT, configNode: CommentedSeq) -> None:
        Node.__init__(self, root, parent, key, configNode)
      # Implement mandatory methods and properties
  5. Set new dictionary and sequence classes as types in the abstract node class.

    setattr(Abstract_Node, "DICT_TYPE", Dictionary)
    setattr(Abstract_Node, "SEQ_TYPE", Sequence)
  6. Derive a configuration class:

    class Configuration(Dictionary, Abstract_Configuration):
      def __init__(self, configFile: Path) -> None:
        with as file:
          self._config = ...
        Dictionary.__init__(self, self, self, None, self._config)
      # Implement mandatory methods and properties