.. _CLIABS: Overview ######## :mod:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction` offers an abstraction layer for command line programs, so they can be used easily in Python. There is no need for manually assembling parameter lists or considering the order of parameters. All parameters like ``-v`` or ``--value=42`` are described as :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Argument.CommandLineArgument` instances on a :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Program` class. Each argument class like :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Flag.ShortFlag` or :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Argument.PathArgument` knows about the correct formatting pattern, character escaping, and if needed about necessary type conversions. A program instance can be converted to an argument list suitable for :class:`subprocess.Popen`. While a user-defined command line program abstraction derived from :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Program` only takes care of maintaining and assembling parameter lists, a more advanced base-class, called :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Executable`, is offered with embedded :class:`~subprocess.Popen` behavior. .. _CLIABS/Goals: Design Goals ************ The main design goals are: * Offer access to CLI programs as Python classes. * Abstract CLI arguments (a.k.a. parameter, option, flag, ...) as members on such a Python class. * Abstract differences in operating systems like argument pattern (POSIX: ``-h`` vs. Windows: ``/h``), path delimiter signs (POSIX: ``/`` vs. Windows: ``\``) or executable names. * Derive program variants from existing programs. * Assemble parameters as list for handover to :class:`subprocess.Popen` with proper escaping and quoting. * Launch a program with :class:`~subprocess.Popen` and hide the complexity of Popen. * Get a generator object for line-by-line output reading to enable postprocessing of outputs. .. _CLIABS/Example: Example ******* The following example implements a portion of the ``git`` program and its ``commit`` sub-command. 1. A new class ``Git`` is derived from :class:`pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Executable`. 2. A class variable ``_executableNames`` is set, to specify different executable names based on the operating system. 3. Nested classes are used to describe arguments and flags for the Git program. 4. These nested classes are annotated with the ``@CLIArgument`` attribute, which is used to register the nested classes in an ordered lookup structure. This declaration order is also used to order arguments when converting to a list for :class:`~subprocess.Popen`. .. grid:: 2 .. grid-item:: **Usage of** ``Git`` :columns: 6 .. code-block:: Python # Create a program instance and set common parameters. git = Git() git[git.FlagVerbose] = True # Derive a variant of that pre-configured program. commit = git.getCommitTool() commit[commit.ValueCommitMessage] = "Bumped dependencies." # Launch the program and parse outputs line-by-line. commit.StartProcess() for line in commit.GetLineReader(): print(line) .. grid-item:: **Declaration of ``Git``** :columns: 6 .. code-block:: Python from pyTooling.CLIAbstraction import Executable from pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Command import CommandArgument from pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Flag import LongFlag from pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.ValuedTupleFlag import ShortTupleFlag class Git(Executable): _executableNames: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { "Darwin": "git", "Linux": "git", "Windows": "git.exe" } @CLIArgument() class FlagVerbose(LongFlag, name="verbose"): """Print verbose messages.""" @CLIArgument() class CommandCommit(CommandArgument, name="commit"): """Command to commit staged files.""" @CLIArgument() class ValueCommitMessage(ShortTupleFlag, name="m"): """Specify the commit message.""" def GetCommitTool(self): """Derive a new program from a configured program.""" tool = self.__class__(executablePath=self._executablePath) tool[tool.CommandCommit] = True self._CopyParameters(tool) return tool .. _CLIABS/ProgramAPI: Programm API ************ **Condensed definition of class** :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Program`: .. code-block:: Python class Program(metaclass=ExtendedType, slots=True): # Register @CLIArgument marked nested classes in `__cliOptions__ def __init_subclass__(cls, *args: Tuple[Any, ...], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]): ... def __init__(self, executablePath: Path = None, binaryDirectoryPath: Path = None, dryRun: bool = False) -> None: ... @staticmethod def _NeedsParameterInitialization(key): ... # Implement indexed access operators: prog[...] def __getitem__(self, key): ... def __setitem__(self, key, value): ... @readonly def Path(self) -> Path: ... def ToArgumentList(self) -> List[str]: ... def __repr__(self): ... def __str__(self): ... .. _CLIABS/ExecutableAPI: Executable API ************** **Condensed definition of class** :class:`~pyTooling.CLIAbstraction.Executable`: .. code-block:: Python class Executable(Program): def __init__( self, executablePath: Path = None, binaryDirectoryPath: Path = None, workingDirectory: Path = None, # environment: Environment = None, dryRun: bool = False): ... def StartProcess(self): ... def Send(self, line: str, end: str="\n") -> None: ... def GetLineReader(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: ... @readonly def ExitCode(self) -> int: ... .. _CLIABS/Consumers: Consumers ********* This abstraction layer is used by: * ✅ Wrap command line interfaces of EDA tools (Electronic Design Automation) in Python classes. |br| `pyEDAA.CLITool `__