
The Executable is derived from Program, which represents an executable command line program. In addition, it offers an API to subprocess.Popen, so an abstracted command line program can be launched.


  • Launch an abstracted CLI program using subproess.Popen.

  • Setup and modify the environment for the launched program.

  • Provide a line-based STDOUT reader as generator.

Simple Example

The following example implements a portion of the git program and its --version argument.

Program Definition

Git program defining –version argument.
class Git(Executable):
  _executableNames = {
    "Darwin":  "git",
    "Linux":   "git",
    "Windows": "git.exe"

  class FlagVersion(LongFlag, name="version"):
    """Print the version information."""

Program Usage

Usage of the abstracted Git program.
git = Git()
git[git.FlagVersion] = True

for line in git.GetLineReader():