
Common platform information gathered from various sources.


See high-level help for explanations and usage examples.



class pyTooling.Platform.PythonImplementation(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]


Inheritance diagram of PythonImplementation

static _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the last value assigned or None


Return the canonical string representation of the object.

For many object types, including most builtins, eval(repr(obj)) == obj.

classmethod _iter_member_by_value_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition (i.e. increasing value) order.

classmethod _iter_member_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition (i.e. increasing value) order.

classmethod _iter_member_by_def_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition order.

classmethod _missing_(value)

Create a composite member containing all canonical members present in value.

If non-member values are present, result depends on _boundary_ setting.


Returns True if self has at least the same flags set as other.


Returns flags in definition order.


Return the number of members (no aliases)


Return repr(self).


Return str(self).


classes/types should always be True.


Return self|value.


Return value|self.

class pyTooling.Platform.PythonVersion[source]


Inheritance diagram of PythonVersion

Return type:



Compare two Version instances (version numbers) for equality.


other – Parameter to compare against.


True, if both version numbers are equal.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.

class property HasClassAttributes: bool

Check if class has Attributes.


True, if the class has Attributes.

class property HasMethodAttributes: bool

Check if class has any method with Attributes.


True, if the class has any method with Attributes.


Compare two Version instances (version numbers) if the version is greater than or equal to the second operand.


other (Any) – Parameter to compare against.

Return type:



True, if version is greater than or equal to the second operand.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.


Compare two Version instances (version numbers) if the version is greater than the second operand.


other (Any) – Parameter to compare against.

Return type:



True, if version is greater than the second operand.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.

__hash__ = None

Compare two Version instances (version numbers) if the version is less than or equal to the second operand.


other (Any) – Parameter to compare against.

Return type:



True, if version is less than or equal to the second operand.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.


Compare two Version instances (version numbers) if the version is less than the second operand.


other (Any) – Parameter to compare against.

Return type:



True, if version is less than the second operand.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.


Compare two Version instances (version numbers) for inequality.


other (Any) – Parameter to compare against.

Return type:



True, if both version numbers are not equal.


TypeError – If parameter other is not of type SemanticVersion.


Return a string representation of this version number without prefix v.

Return type:



Raw version number representation without a prefix.


Return a string representation of this version number with prefix v.

Return type:



Version number representation including a prefix.

_build: int

Build number part of the version number.

_flags: int

State if the version in a working directory is clean or dirty compared to a tagged version.

_major: int

Major number part of the version number.

_minor: int

Minor number part of the version number.

_parts: Parts

Integer flag enumeration of present parts in a version number.

_patch: int

Patch number part of the version number.

_post: int

Post-release version number part.

_postfix: str

Postfix string

_pre: int

Pre-release version number part.

_prefix: str

Prefix string

class pyTooling.Platform.Platforms(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]


Inheritance diagram of Platforms

OS_BSD = 1

Operating System: BSD (Unix).

OS_Linux = 2

Operating System: Linux.

OS_MacOS = 4

Operating System: macOS.

OS_Windows = 8

Operating System: Windows.

OperatingSystem = 15

Mask: Any operating system.

SEP_WindowsPath = 16

Seperator: Path element seperator (e.g. for directories).

SEP_WindowsValue = 32

Seperator: Value seperator in variables (e.g. for paths in PATH).

ENV_Native = 64

Environment: native.

ENV_WSL = 128

Environment: Windows System for Linux.

ENV_MSYS2 = 256

Environment: MSYS2.

ENV_Cygwin = 512

Environment: Cygwin.

Environment = 960

Mask: Any environment.

ARCH_x86_32 = 1024

Architecture: x86-32 (IA32).

ARCH_x86_64 = 2048

Architecture: x86-64 (AMD64).

ARCH_AArch64 = 4096

Architecture: AArch64.

Arch_x86 = 3072

Mask: Any x86 architecture.

Arch_Arm = 4096

Mask: Any Arm architecture.

Architecture = 7168

Mask: Any architecture.

FreeBSD = 2113

Group: native FreeBSD on x86-64.

Linux = 2114

Group: native Linux on x86-64.

MacOS = 2116

Group: native macOS on x86-64.

Windows = 2168

Group: native Windows on x86-64.

MSYS = 8192

MSYS2 Runtime: MSYS.

MinGW32 = 16384

MSYS2 Runtime: MinGW32.

MinGW64 = 32768

MSYS2 Runtime: MinGW64.

UCRT64 = 65536

MSYS2 Runtime: UCRT64.

Clang32 = 131072

MSYS2 Runtime: Clang32.

Clang64 = 262144

MSYS2 Runtime: Clang64.

MSYS2_Runtime = 516096

Mask: Any MSYS2 runtime environment.

Windows_MSYS2_MSYS = 10504

Group: MSYS runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_MSYS2_MinGW32 = 18696

Group: MinGW32 runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_MSYS2_MinGW64 = 35080

Group: MinGW64 runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_MSYS2_UCRT64 = 67848

Group: UCRT64 runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_MSYS2_Clang32 = 133384

Group: Clang32 runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_MSYS2_Clang64 = 264456

Group: Clang64 runtime running on Windows x86-64

Windows_Cygwin32 = 1544

Group: 32-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows x86-64

Windows_Cygwin64 = 2568

Group: 64-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows x86-64

static _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_values: the last value assigned or None


Return the canonical string representation of the object.

For many object types, including most builtins, eval(repr(obj)) == obj.

classmethod _iter_member_by_value_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition (i.e. increasing value) order.

classmethod _iter_member_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition (i.e. increasing value) order.

classmethod _iter_member_by_def_(value)

Extract all members from the value in definition order.

classmethod _missing_(value)

Create a composite member containing all canonical members present in value.

If non-member values are present, result depends on _boundary_ setting.


Returns True if self has at least the same flags set as other.


Returns flags in definition order.


Return the number of members (no aliases)


Return repr(self).


Return str(self).


classes/types should always be True.


Return self|value.


Return value|self.

class pyTooling.Platform.Platform[source]

An instance of this class contains all gathered information available from various sources.

See also

StackOverflow question: Python: What OS am I running on?


Inheritance diagram of Platform

Return type:


property IsCPython: bool

Returns true, if the Python implementation is a CPython.


True, if the Python implementation is CPython.

property IsPyPy: bool

Returns true, if the Python implementation is a PyPy.


True, if the Python implementation is PyPY.

property IsNativePlatform: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a native platform.


True, if the platform is a native platform.

property IsNativeWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a native Windows x86-64 platform.


True, if the platform is a native Windows x86-64 platform.

property IsNativeLinux: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a native Linux x86-64 platform.


True, if the platform is a native Linux x86-64 platform.

property IsNativeMacOS: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a native macOS x86-64 platform.


True, if the platform is a native macOS x86-64 platform.

property IsMSYS2Environment: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a MSYS2 environment on Windows.


True, if the platform is a MSYS2 environment on Windows.

property IsMSYSOnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a MSYS runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a MSYS runtime on Windows.

property IsMinGW32OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a MinGW32 runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a MINGW32 runtime on Windows.

property IsMinGW64OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a MinGW64 runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a MINGW64 runtime on Windows.

property IsUCRT64OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a UCRT64 runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a UCRT64 runtime on Windows.

property IsClang32OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a Clang32 runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a Clang32 runtime on Windows.

property IsClang64OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a Clang64 runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a Clang64 runtime on Windows.

property IsCygwin32OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a 32-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a 32-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows.

property IsCygwin64OnWindows: bool

Returns true, if the platform is a 64-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows.


True, if the platform is a 64-bit Cygwin runtime on Windows.

property IsPOSIX: bool

Returns true, if the platform is POSIX or POSIX-like.


True, if POSIX or POSIX-like.

class property HasClassAttributes: bool

Check if class has Attributes.


True, if the class has Attributes.

class property HasMethodAttributes: bool

Check if class has any method with Attributes.


True, if the class has any method with Attributes.

property PathSeperator: str

Returns the path element separation character (e.g. for directories).

  • POSIX-like: /

  • Windows: \


Path separation character.

property ValueSeperator: str

Returns the value separation character (e.g. for paths in PATH).

  • POSIX-like: :

  • Windows: ;


Value separation character.

property ExecutableExtension: str

Returns the file extension for an executable.

  • Linux: "" (empty string)

  • macOS: "" (empty string)

  • Windows: "exe"

property SharedLibraryExtension: str

Returns the file extension for a shared library.

  • Linux: "so"

  • macOS: "lib"

  • Windows: "dll"


Return repr(self).

Return type:



Return str(self).

Return type:
