
The stopwatch implements a solution to measure and collect timings: e.g. code execution times or test run times.

The time measurement can be started, paused, resumed and stopped. More over, split times can be taken too. The measurement is based on time.perf_counter_ns(). Additionally, starting and stopping is preserved as absolute time via

Every split time taken is a time delta to the previous stopwatch operation. These are preserved in an internal sequence of splits. This sequence includes time deltas of activity and inactivity. Thus, a running stopwatch can be split as well as a paused stopwatch.

The stopwatch can also be used in a with-statement, because it implements the context manager protocol.

from pyTooling.Stopwatch import Stopwatch

sw = Stopwatch("my name")
# do something

sw = Stopwatch("other name", started=True)
# do something
from pyTooling.Stopwatch import Stopwatch

sw = Stopwatch("my name")
# do something
# do something other
# do something again
from pyTooling.Stopwatch import Stopwatch

sw = Stopwatch("my name", preferPause=True)
with sw:
  # do something

# do something other

with sw
  # do something again



A stopwatch can be named at creation time.

Starting and stopping

The stopwatch can be started and stopped. Once stopped, no further start or pause/resume is possible. A stopwatch can’t be restarted. A new stopwatch object should be created and the old can be destroyed.

The stopwatch collects the absolute start (begin) and stop (end) times. It then provides a duration from start to stop operation.

Pause and resume

A stopwatch can be paused and resumed.

Split times


Iterating split times


Using in a with-statement


State of a stopwatch


class Stopwatch(SlottedObject):
  def __init__(self, name: str = None, started: bool = False, preferPause: bool = False) -> None:

  def __enter__(self) -> "Stopwatch":

  def __exit__(self, exc_type: Type[Exception], exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: Traceback) -> bool:

  def Start(self) -> None:

  def Split(self) -> float:

  def Pause(self) -> float:

  def Resume(self) -> float:

  def Stop(self):

  def Name(self) -> Nullable[str]:

  def IsStarted(self) -> bool:

  def IsRunning(self) -> bool:

  def IsPaused(self) -> bool:

  def IsStopped(self) -> bool:

  def StartTime(self) -> Nullable[datetime]:

  def StopTime(self) -> Nullable[datetime]:

  def HasSplitTimes(self) -> bool:

  def SplitCount(self) -> int:

  def ActiveCount(self) -> int:

  def InactiveCount(self) -> int:

  def Activity(self) -> float:

  def Inactivity(self) -> float:

  def Duration(self) -> float:

  def __len__(self):

  def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Tuple[float, bool]:

  def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[float, bool]]: