Source code for pyTooling.Graph

# ==================================================================================================================== #
#             _____           _ _               ____                 _                                                 #
#  _ __  _   |_   _|__   ___ | (_)_ __   __ _  / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ | |__                                              #
# | '_ \| | | || |/ _ \ / _ \| | | '_ \ / _` || |  _| '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \                                             #
# | |_) | |_| || | (_) | (_) | | | | | | (_| || |_| | | | (_| | |_) | | | |                                            #
# | .__/ \__, ||_|\___/ \___/|_|_|_| |_|\__, (_)____|_|  \__,_| .__/|_| |_|                                            #
# |_|    |___/                          |___/                 |_|                                                      #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors:                                                                                                             #
#   Patrick Lehmann                                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                                      #
# License:                                                                                                             #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2017-2024 Patrick Lehmann - Bötzingen, Germany                                                             #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");                                                      #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.                                                     #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at                                                                              #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                                                         #
#                                                                                                                      #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software                                                  #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,                                                    #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.                                             #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and                                                  #
# limitations under the License.                                                                                       #
#                                                                                                                      #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0                                                                                  #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
A powerful **graph** data structure for Python.

Graph algorithms using all vertices are provided as methods on the graph instance. Whereas graph algorithms based on a
starting vertex are provided as methods on a vertex.

.. admonition:: Example Graph

	.. mermaid::
		 :caption: A directed graph with backward-edges denoted by dotted vertex relations.

		 %%{init: { "flowchart": { "nodeSpacing": 15, "rankSpacing": 30, "curve": "linear", "useMaxWidth": false } } }%%
		 graph LR
			 A(A); B(B); C(C); D(D); E(E); F(F) ; G(G); H(H); I(I)

			 A --> B --> E
			 G --> F
			 A --> C --> G --> H --> D
			 D -.-> A
			 D & F -.-> B
			 I ---> E --> F --> D

			 classDef node fill:#eee,stroke:#777,font-size:smaller;
import heapq
from collections import deque
from itertools   import chain
from typing      import TypeVar, Generic, Optional as Nullable, Iterable, Hashable, Generator, Callable
from typing      import List, Union, Dict, Iterator as typing_Iterator, Set, Deque, Tuple

	from pyTooling.Decorators  import export, readonly
	from pyTooling.MetaClasses import ExtendedType
	from pyTooling.Exceptions  import ToolingException
	from pyTooling.Tree        import Node
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):  # pragma: no cover
	print("[pyTooling.Graph] Could not import from 'pyTooling.*'!")

		from Decorators          import export, readonly
		from MetaClasses         import ExtendedType, mixin
		from Exceptions          import ToolingException
		from Tree                import Node
	except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as ex:  # pragma: no cover
		print("[pyTooling.Graph] Could not import directly!")
		raise ex

DictKeyType = TypeVar("DictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for dictionary keys."""

DictValueType = TypeVar("DictValueType")
"""A type variable for dictionary values."""

IDType = TypeVar("IDType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for an ID."""

WeightType = TypeVar("WeightType", bound=Union[int, float])
"""A type variable for a weight."""

ValueType = TypeVar("ValueType")
"""A type variable for a value."""

VertexIDType = TypeVar("VertexIDType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a vertex's ID."""

VertexWeightType = TypeVar("VertexWeightType", bound=Union[int, float])
"""A type variable for a vertex's weight."""

VertexValueType = TypeVar("VertexValueType")
"""A type variable for a vertex's value."""

VertexDictKeyType = TypeVar("VertexDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a vertex's dictionary keys."""

VertexDictValueType = TypeVar("VertexDictValueType")
"""A type variable for a vertex's dictionary values."""

EdgeIDType = TypeVar("EdgeIDType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for an edge's ID."""

EdgeWeightType = TypeVar("EdgeWeightType", bound=Union[int, float])
"""A type variable for an edge's weight."""

EdgeValueType = TypeVar("EdgeValueType")
"""A type variable for an edge's value."""

EdgeDictKeyType = TypeVar("EdgeDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for an edge's dictionary keys."""

EdgeDictValueType = TypeVar("EdgeDictValueType")
"""A type variable for an edge's dictionary values."""

LinkIDType = TypeVar("LinkIDType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for an link's ID."""

LinkWeightType = TypeVar("LinkWeightType", bound=Union[int, float])
"""A type variable for an link's weight."""

LinkValueType = TypeVar("LinkValueType")
"""A type variable for an link's value."""

LinkDictKeyType = TypeVar("LinkDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for an link's dictionary keys."""

LinkDictValueType = TypeVar("LinkDictValueType")
"""A type variable for an link's dictionary values."""

ComponentDictKeyType = TypeVar("ComponentDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary keys."""

ComponentDictValueType = TypeVar("ComponentDictValueType")
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary values."""

SubgraphDictKeyType = TypeVar("SubgraphDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary keys."""

SubgraphDictValueType = TypeVar("SubgraphDictValueType")
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary values."""

ViewDictKeyType = TypeVar("ViewDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary keys."""

ViewDictValueType = TypeVar("ViewDictValueType")
"""A type variable for a component's dictionary values."""

GraphDictKeyType = TypeVar("GraphDictKeyType", bound=Hashable)
"""A type variable for a graph's dictionary keys."""

GraphDictValueType = TypeVar("GraphDictValueType")
"""A type variable for a graph's dictionary values."""

[docs] @export class GraphException(ToolingException): """Base exception of all exceptions raised by :mod:`pyTooling.Graph`."""
[docs] @export class InternalError(GraphException): """ The exception is raised when a data structure corruption is detected. .. danger:: This exception should never be raised. If so, please create an issue at GitHub so the data structure corruption can be investigated and fixed. |br| `⇒ Bug Tracker at GitHub <>`__ """
[docs] @export class NotInSameGraph(GraphException): """The exception is raised when creating an edge between two vertices, but these are not in the same graph."""
[docs] @export class DuplicateVertexError(GraphException): """The exception is raised when the vertex already exists in the graph."""
[docs] @export class DuplicateEdgeError(GraphException): """The exception is raised when the edge already exists in the graph."""
[docs] @export class DestinationNotReachable(GraphException): """The exception is raised when a destination vertex is not reachable."""
[docs] @export class NotATreeError(GraphException): """ The exception is raised when a subgraph is not a tree. Either the subgraph has a cycle (backward edge) or links between branches (cross-edge). """
[docs] @export class CycleError(GraphException): """The exception is raised when a not permitted cycle is found."""
[docs] @export class Base( Generic[DictKeyType, DictValueType], metaclass=ExtendedType, slots=True ): _dict: Dict[DictKeyType, DictValueType] #: Dictionary to store key-value-pairs.
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Base::init Needs documentation. """ self._dict = {}
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Base::del Needs documentation. """ try: del self._dict except AttributeError: pass
def Delete(self) -> None: self._dict = None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: DictKeyType) -> DictValueType: """ Read a vertex's attached attributes (key-value-pairs) by key. :param key: The key to look for. :returns: The value associated to the given key. """ return self._dict[key]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: DictKeyType, value: DictValueType) -> None: """ Create or update a vertex's attached attributes (key-value-pairs) by key. If a key doesn't exist yet, a new key-value-pair is created. :param key: The key to create or update. :param value: The value to associate to the given key. """ self._dict[key] = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: DictKeyType) -> None: """ Remove an entry from vertex's attached attributes (key-value-pairs) by key. :param key: The key to remove. :raises KeyError: If key doesn't exist in the vertex's attributes. """ del self._dict[key]
[docs] def __contains__(self, key: DictKeyType) -> bool: """ Returns if the key is an attached attribute (key-value-pairs) on this vertex. :param key: The key to check. :returns: ``True``, if the key is an attached attribute. """ return key in self._dict
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of attached attributes (key-value-pairs) on this vertex. :returns: Number of attached attributes. """ return len(self._dict)
[docs] @export class BaseWithIDValueAndWeight( Base[DictKeyType, DictValueType], Generic[IDType, ValueType, WeightType, DictKeyType, DictValueType] ): _id: Nullable[IDType] #: Field storing the object's Identifier. _value: Nullable[ValueType] #: Field storing the object's value of any type. _weight: Nullable[WeightType] #: Field storing the object's weight.
[docs] def __init__(self, identifier: Nullable[IDType] = None, value: Nullable[ValueType] = None, weight: Nullable[WeightType] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__() self._id = identifier self._value = value self._weight = weight
@readonly def ID(self) -> Nullable[IDType]: """ Read-only property to access the unique ID (:attr:`_id`). If no ID was given at creation time, ID returns ``None``. :returns: Unique ID, if ID was given at creation time, else ``None``. """ return self._id @property def Value(self) -> ValueType: """ Property to get and set the value (:attr:`_value`). :returns: The value. """ return self._value @Value.setter def Value(self, value: ValueType) -> None: self._value = value @property def Weight(self) -> Nullable[EdgeWeightType]: """ Property to get and set the weight (:attr:`_weight`) of an edge. :returns: The weight of an edge. """ return self._weight @Weight.setter def Weight(self, value: Nullable[EdgeWeightType]) -> None: self._weight = value
[docs] @export class BaseWithName( Base[DictKeyType, DictValueType], Generic[DictKeyType, DictValueType] ): _name: Nullable[str] #: Field storing the object's name.
[docs] def __init__(self, name: Nullable[str] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseWithName::init Needs documentation. """ if name is not None and not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Parameter 'name' is not of type 'str'.") super().__init__() self._name = name
@property def Name(self) -> Nullable[str]: """ Property to get and set the name (:attr:`_name`). :returns: The value of a component. """ return self._name @Name.setter def Name(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("Name is not of type 'str'.") self._name = value
[docs] @export class BaseWithVertices( BaseWithName[DictKeyType, DictValueType], Generic[ DictKeyType, DictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): _graph: 'Graph[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType,' \ 'VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType,' \ 'EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType,' \ 'LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType' \ ']' #: Field storing a reference to the graph. _vertices: Set['Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType,' 'VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType,' 'EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType,' 'LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType' ']'] #: Field storing a set of vertices.
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: 'Graph', name: Nullable[str] = None, vertices: Nullable[Iterable['Vertex']] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Component::init Needs documentation. """ if graph is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'graph' is None.") if not isinstance(graph, Graph): raise TypeError("Parameter 'graph' is not of type 'Graph'.") super().__init__(name) self._graph = graph self._vertices = set() if vertices is None else {v for v in vertices}
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseWithVertices::del Needs documentation. """ try: del self._vertices except AttributeError: pass super().__del__()
@readonly def Graph(self) -> 'Graph': """ Read-only property to access the graph, this object is associated to (:attr:`_graph`). :returns: The graph this object is associated to. """ return self._graph @readonly def Vertices(self) -> Set['Vertex']: """ Read-only property to access the vertices in this component (:attr:`_vertices`). :returns: The set of vertices in this component. """ return self._vertices @readonly def VertexCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to access the number of vertices referenced by this object. :returns: The number of vertices this object references. """ return len(self._vertices)
[docs] @export class Vertex( BaseWithIDValueAndWeight[VertexIDType, VertexValueType, VertexWeightType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType], Generic[ GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ A **vertex** can have a unique ID, a value and attached meta information as key-value-pairs. A vertex has references to inbound and outbound edges, thus a graph can be traversed in reverse. """ _graph: 'BaseGraph[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]' #: Field storing a reference to the graph. _subgraph: 'Subgraph[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]' #: Field storing a reference to the subgraph. _component: 'Component' _views: Dict[Hashable, 'View'] _inboundEdges: List['Edge[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]'] #: Field storing a list of inbound edges. _outboundEdges: List['Edge[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]'] #: Field storing a list of outbound edges. _inboundLinks: List['Link[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]'] #: Field storing a list of inbound links. _outboundLinks: List['Link[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]'] #: Field storing a list of outbound links.
[docs] def __init__(self, vertexID: Nullable[VertexIDType] = None, value: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None, weight: Nullable[VertexWeightType] = None, graph: Nullable['Graph'] = None, subgraph: Nullable['Subgraph'] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::init Needs documentation. """ if vertexID is not None and not isinstance(vertexID, Hashable): raise TypeError("Parameter 'vertexID' is not of type 'VertexIDType'.") super().__init__(vertexID, value, weight) if subgraph is None: self._graph = graph if graph is not None else Graph() self._subgraph = None self._component = Component(self._graph, vertices=(self,)) if vertexID is None: self._graph._verticesWithoutID.append(self) elif vertexID not in self._graph._verticesWithID: self._graph._verticesWithID[vertexID] = self else: raise DuplicateVertexError(f"Vertex ID '{vertexID}' already exists in this graph.") else: self._graph = subgraph._graph self._subgraph = subgraph self._component = Component(self._graph, vertices=(self,)) if vertexID is None: subgraph._verticesWithoutID.append(self) elif vertexID not in subgraph._verticesWithID: subgraph._verticesWithID[vertexID] = self else: raise DuplicateVertexError(f"Vertex ID '{vertexID}' already exists in this subgraph.") self._views = {} self._inboundEdges = [] self._outboundEdges = [] self._inboundLinks = [] self._outboundLinks = []
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseEdge::del Needs documentation. """ try: del self._views del self._inboundEdges del self._outboundEdges del self._inboundLinks del self._outboundLinks except AttributeError: pass super().__del__()
def Delete(self) -> None: for edge in self._outboundEdges: edge._destination._inboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._Delete() for edge in self._inboundEdges: edge._source._outboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._Delete() for link in self._outboundLinks: link._destination._inboundLinks.remove(link) link._Delete() for link in self._inboundLinks: link._source._outboundLinks.remove(link) link._Delete() if self._id is None: self._graph._verticesWithoutID.remove(self) else: del self._graph._verticesWithID[self._id] # subgraph # component # views self._views = None self._inboundEdges = None self._outboundEdges = None self._inboundLinks = None self._outboundLinks = None super().Delete() assert getrefcount(self) == 1 @readonly def Graph(self) -> 'Graph': """ Read-only property to access the graph, this vertex is associated to (:attr:`_graph`). :returns: The graph this vertex is associated to. """ return self._graph @readonly def Component(self) -> 'Component': """ Read-only property to access the component, this vertex is associated to (:attr:`_component`). :returns: The component this vertex is associated to. """ return self._component @readonly def InboundEdges(self) -> Tuple['Edge', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of inbound edges (:attr:`_inboundEdges`). :return: Tuple of inbound edges. """ return tuple(self._inboundEdges) @readonly def OutboundEdges(self) -> Tuple['Edge', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of outbound edges (:attr:`_outboundEdges`). :return: Tuple of outbound edges. """ return tuple(self._outboundEdges) @readonly def InboundLinks(self) -> Tuple['Link', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of inbound links (:attr:`_inboundLinks`). :return: Tuple of inbound links. """ return tuple(self._inboundLinks) @readonly def OutboundLinks(self) -> Tuple['Link', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of outbound links (:attr:`_outboundLinks`). :return: Tuple of outbound links. """ return tuple(self._outboundLinks) @readonly def EdgeCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of all edges (inbound and outbound). :return: Number of inbound and outbound edges. """ return len(self._inboundEdges) + len(self._outboundEdges) @readonly def InboundEdgeCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of inbound edges. :return: Number of inbound edges. """ return len(self._inboundEdges) @readonly def OutboundEdgeCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of outbound edges. :return: Number of outbound edges. """ return len(self._outboundEdges) @readonly def LinkCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of all links (inbound and outbound). :return: Number of inbound and outbound links. """ return len(self._inboundLinks) + len(self._outboundLinks) @readonly def InboundLinkCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of inbound links. :return: Number of inbound links. """ return len(self._inboundLinks) @readonly def OutboundLinkCount(self) -> int: """ Read-only property to get the number of outbound links. :return: Number of outbound links. """ return len(self._outboundLinks) @readonly def IsRoot(self) -> bool: """ Read-only property to check if this vertex is a root vertex in the graph. A root has no inbound edges (no predecessor vertices). :returns: ``True``, if this vertex is a root. .. seealso:: :meth:`IsLeaf` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a leaf vertex in the graph. :meth:`Graph.IterateRoots <pyTooling.Graph.Graph.IterateRoots>` |br| |rarr| Iterate all roots of a graph. :meth:`Graph.IterateLeafs <pyTooling.Graph.Graph.IterateLeafs>` |br| |rarr| Iterate all leafs of a graph. """ return len(self._inboundEdges) == 0 @readonly def IsLeaf(self) -> bool: """ Read-only property to check if this vertex is a leaf vertex in the graph. A leaf has no outbound edges (no successor vertices). :returns: ``True``, if this vertex is a leaf. .. seealso:: :meth:`IsRoot` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a root vertex in the graph. :meth:`Graph.IterateRoots <pyTooling.Graph.Graph.IterateRoots>` |br| |rarr| Iterate all roots of a graph. :meth:`Graph.IterateLeafs <pyTooling.Graph.Graph.IterateLeafs>` |br| |rarr| Iterate all leafs of a graph. """ return len(self._outboundEdges) == 0 @readonly def Predecessors(self) -> Tuple['Vertex', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of predecessor vertices. :return: Tuple of predecessor vertices. """ return tuple([edge.Source for edge in self._inboundEdges]) @readonly def Successors(self) -> Tuple['Vertex', ...]: """ Read-only property to get a tuple of successor vertices. :return: Tuple of successor vertices. """ return tuple([edge.Destination for edge in self._outboundEdges])
[docs] def EdgeToVertex(self, vertex: 'Vertex', edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, edgeWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, edgeValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Edge': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::EdgeToVertex Needs documentation. """ if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: edge = Edge(self, vertex, edgeID, edgeValue, edgeWeight) self._outboundEdges.append(edge) vertex._inboundEdges.append(edge) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._graph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._graph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._subgraph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._subgraph._edgesWithID: self._subgraph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this subgraph.") else: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() return edge
[docs] def EdgeFromVertex(self, vertex: 'Vertex', edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, edgeWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, edgeValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Edge': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::EdgeFromVertex Needs documentation. """ if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: edge = Edge(vertex, self, edgeID, edgeValue, edgeWeight) vertex._outboundEdges.append(edge) self._inboundEdges.append(edge) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._graph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._graph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._subgraph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._subgraph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() return edge
[docs] def EdgeToNewVertex(self, vertexID: Nullable[VertexIDType] = None, vertexValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None, vertexWeight: Nullable[VertexWeightType] = None, edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, edgeWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, edgeValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Edge': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::EdgeToNewVertex Needs documentation. """ vertex = Vertex(vertexID, vertexValue, vertexWeight, graph=self._graph) # , component=self._component) if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: edge = Edge(self, vertex, edgeID, edgeValue, edgeWeight) self._outboundEdges.append(edge) vertex._inboundEdges.append(edge) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._graph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._graph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._subgraph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._subgraph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() return edge
[docs] def EdgeFromNewVertex(self, vertexID: Nullable[VertexIDType] = None, vertexValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None, vertexWeight: Nullable[VertexWeightType] = None, edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, edgeWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, edgeValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Edge': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::EdgeFromNewVertex Needs documentation. """ vertex = Vertex(vertexID, vertexValue, vertexWeight, graph=self._graph) # , component=self._component) if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: edge = Edge(vertex, self, edgeID, edgeValue, edgeWeight) vertex._outboundEdges.append(edge) self._inboundEdges.append(edge) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._graph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._graph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in edge and then register edge on graph? if edgeID is None: self._subgraph._edgesWithoutID.append(edge) elif edgeID not in self._graph._edgesWithID: self._subgraph._edgesWithID[edgeID] = edge else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Edge ID '{edgeID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() return edge
[docs] def LinkToVertex(self, vertex: 'Vertex', linkID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, linkWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, linkValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Link': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::LinkToVertex Needs documentation. """ if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() else: link = Link(self, vertex, linkID, linkValue, linkWeight) self._outboundLinks.append(link) vertex._inboundLinks.append(link) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in link and then register link on graph? if linkID is None: self._graph._linksWithoutID.append(link) elif linkID not in self._graph._linksWithID: self._graph._linksWithID[linkID] = link else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Link ID '{linkID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in link and then register link on graph? if linkID is None: self._subgraph._linksWithoutID.append(link) vertex._subgraph._linksWithoutID.append(link) elif linkID not in self._graph._linksWithID: self._subgraph._linksWithID[linkID] = link vertex._subgraph._linksWithID[linkID] = link else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Link ID '{linkID}' already exists in this graph.") return link
[docs] def LinkFromVertex(self, vertex: 'Vertex', linkID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, linkWeight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None, linkValue: Nullable[VertexValueType] = None) -> 'Edge': """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Vertex::LinkToVertex Needs documentation. """ if self._subgraph is vertex._subgraph: # FIXME: needs an error message raise GraphException() else: link = Link(vertex, self, linkID, linkValue, linkWeight) vertex._outboundLinks.append(link) self._inboundLinks.append(link) if self._subgraph is None: # TODO: move into Edge? # TODO: keep _graph pointer in link and then register link on graph? if linkID is None: self._graph._linksWithoutID.append(link) elif linkID not in self._graph._linksWithID: self._graph._linksWithID[linkID] = link else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Link ID '{linkID}' already exists in this graph.") else: # TODO: keep _graph pointer in link and then register link on graph? if linkID is None: self._subgraph._linksWithoutID.append(link) vertex._subgraph._linksWithoutID.append(link) elif linkID not in self._graph._linksWithID: self._subgraph._linksWithID[linkID] = link vertex._subgraph._linksWithID[linkID] = link else: raise DuplicateEdgeError(f"Link ID '{linkID}' already exists in this graph.") return link
[docs] def HasEdgeToDestination(self, destination: 'Vertex') -> bool: """ Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound edge. :param destination: Destination vertex to check. :return: ``True``, if the destination vertex is a destination on any outbound edge. .. seealso:: :meth:`HasEdgeFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound edge. :meth:`HasLinkToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound link. :meth:`HasLinkFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound link. """ for edge in self._outboundEdges: if destination is edge.Destination: return True return False
[docs] def HasEdgeFromSource(self, source: 'Vertex') -> bool: """ Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound edge. :param source: Source vertex to check. :return: ``True``, if the source vertex is a source on any inbound edge. .. seealso:: :meth:`HasEdgeToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound edge. :meth:`HasLinkToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound link. :meth:`HasLinkFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound link. """ for edge in self._inboundEdges: if source is edge.Source: return True return False
[docs] def HasLinkToDestination(self, destination: 'Vertex') -> bool: """ Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound link. :param destination: Destination vertex to check. :return: ``True``, if the destination vertex is a destination on any outbound link. .. seealso:: :meth:`HasEdgeToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound edge. :meth:`HasEdgeFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound edge. :meth:`HasLinkFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound link. """ for link in self._outboundLinks: if destination is link.Destination: return True return False
[docs] def HasLinkFromSource(self, source: 'Vertex') -> bool: """ Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound link. :param source: Source vertex to check. :return: ``True``, if the source vertex is a source on any inbound link. .. seealso:: :meth:`HasEdgeToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound edge. :meth:`HasEdgeFromSource` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any inbound edge. :meth:`HasLinkToDestination` |br| |rarr| Check if this vertex is linked to another vertex by any outbound link. """ for link in self._inboundLinks: if source is link.Source: return True return False
def DeleteEdgeTo(self, destination: 'Vertex'): for edge in self._outboundEdges: if edge._destination is destination: break else: raise GraphException(f"No outbound edge found to '{destination!r}'.") edge.Delete() def DeleteEdgeFrom(self, source: 'Vertex'): for edge in self._inboundEdges: if edge._source is source: break else: raise GraphException(f"No inbound edge found to '{source!r}'.") edge.Delete() def DeleteLinkTo(self, destination: 'Vertex'): for link in self._outboundLinks: if link._destination is destination: break else: raise GraphException(f"No outbound link found to '{destination!r}'.") link.Delete() def DeleteLinkFrom(self, source: 'Vertex'): for link in self._inboundLinks: if link._source is source: break else: raise GraphException(f"No inbound link found to '{source!r}'.") link.Delete()
[docs] def Copy(self, graph: Graph, copyDict: bool = False, linkingKeyToOriginalVertex: Nullable[str] = None, linkingKeyFromOriginalVertex: Nullable[str] = None) -> 'Vertex': """ Creates a copy of this vertex in another graph. Optionally, the vertex's attached attributes (key-value-pairs) can be copied and a linkage between both vertices can be established. :param graph: The graph, the vertex is created in. :param copyDict: If ``True``, copy all attached attributes into the new vertex. :param linkingKeyToOriginalVertex: If not ``None``, add a key-value-pair using this parameter as key from new vertex to the original vertex. :param linkingKeyFromOriginalVertex: If not ``None``, add a key-value-pair using this parameter as key from original vertex to the new vertex. :returns: The newly created vertex. :raises GraphException: If source graph and destination graph are the same. """ if graph is self._graph: raise GraphException("Graph to copy this vertex to, is the same graph.") vertex = Vertex(self._id, self._value, self._weight, graph=graph) if copyDict: vertex._dict = self._dict.copy() if linkingKeyToOriginalVertex is not None: vertex._dict[linkingKeyToOriginalVertex] = self if linkingKeyFromOriginalVertex is not None: self._dict[linkingKeyFromOriginalVertex] = vertex return vertex
[docs] def IterateOutboundEdges(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[['Edge'], bool]] = None) -> Generator['Edge', None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected outbound edges of this vertex. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip edges in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all outbound edges. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._outboundEdges: yield edge else: for edge in self._outboundEdges: if predicate(edge): yield edge
[docs] def IterateInboundEdges(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[['Edge'], bool]] = None) -> Generator['Edge', None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected inbound edges of this vertex. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip edges in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all inbound edges. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._inboundEdges: yield edge else: for edge in self._inboundEdges: if predicate(edge): yield edge
[docs] def IterateSuccessorVertices(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[['Edge'], bool]] = None) -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected successor vertices of this vertex. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip successors in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all successor vertices. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._outboundEdges: yield edge.Destination else: for edge in self._outboundEdges: if predicate(edge): yield edge.Destination
[docs] def IteratePredecessorVertices(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[['Edge'], bool]] = None) -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected predecessor vertices of this vertex. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip predecessors in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all predecessor vertices. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._inboundEdges: yield edge.Source else: for edge in self._inboundEdges: if predicate(edge): yield edge.Source
[docs] def IterateVerticesBFS(self) -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ A generator to iterate all reachable vertices starting from this node in breadth-first search (BFS) order. :returns: A generator to iterate vertices traversed in BFS order. .. seealso:: :meth:`IterateVerticesDFS` |br| |rarr| Iterate all reachable vertices **depth-first search** order. """ visited: Set[Vertex] = set() queue: Deque[Vertex] = deque() yield self visited.add(self) for edge in self._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination if nextVertex is not self: queue.appendleft(nextVertex) visited.add(nextVertex) while queue: vertex = queue.pop() yield vertex for edge in vertex._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination if nextVertex not in visited: queue.appendleft(nextVertex) visited.add(nextVertex)
[docs] def IterateVerticesDFS(self) -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ A generator to iterate all reachable vertices starting from this node in depth-first search (DFS) order. :returns: A generator to iterate vertices traversed in DFS order. .. seealso:: :meth:`IterateVerticesBFS` |br| |rarr| Iterate all reachable vertices **breadth-first search** order. Wikipedia - """ visited: Set[Vertex] = set() stack: List[typing_Iterator[Edge]] = list() yield self visited.add(self) stack.append(iter(self._outboundEdges)) while True: try: edge = next(stack[-1]) nextVertex = edge._destination if nextVertex not in visited: visited.add(nextVertex) yield nextVertex if len(nextVertex._outboundEdges) != 0: stack.append(iter(nextVertex._outboundEdges)) except StopIteration: stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: return
def IterateAllOutboundPathsAsVertexList(self) -> Generator[Tuple['Vertex', ...], None, None]: if len(self._outboundEdges) == 0: yield (self, ) return visited: Set[Vertex] = set() vertexStack: List[Vertex] = list() iteratorStack: List[typing_Iterator[Edge]] = list() visited.add(self) vertexStack.append(self) iteratorStack.append(iter(self._outboundEdges)) while True: try: edge = next(iteratorStack[-1]) nextVertex = edge._destination if nextVertex in visited: ex = CycleError(f"Loop detected.") ex.add_note(f"First loop is:") for i, vertex in enumerate(vertexStack): ex.add_note(f" {i}: {vertex!r}") raise ex vertexStack.append(nextVertex) if len(nextVertex._outboundEdges) == 0: yield tuple(vertexStack) vertexStack.pop() else: iteratorStack.append(iter(nextVertex._outboundEdges)) except StopIteration: vertexStack.pop() iteratorStack.pop() if len(vertexStack) == 0: return
[docs] def ShortestPathToByHops(self, destination: 'Vertex') -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ Compute the shortest path (by hops) between this vertex and the destination vertex. A generator is return to iterate all vertices along the path including source and destination vertex. The search algorithm is breadth-first search (BFS) based. The found solution, if any, is not unique but deterministic as long as the graph was not modified (e.g. ordering of edges on vertices). :param destination: The destination vertex to reach. :return: A generator to iterate all vertices on the path found between this vertex and the destination vertex. """ # Trivial case if start is destination if self is destination: yield self return # Local struct to create multiple linked-lists forming a paths from current node back to the starting point # (actually a tree). Each node holds a reference to the vertex it represents. # Hint: slotted classes are faster than '@dataclasses.dataclass'. class Node(metaclass=ExtendedType, slots=True): parent: 'Node' ref: Vertex def __init__(self, parent: 'Node', ref: Vertex) -> None: self.parent = parent self.ref = ref def __str__(self): return f"Vertex: {self.ref.ID}" # Initially add all reachable vertices to a queue if vertices to be processed. startNode = Node(None, self) visited: Set[Vertex] = set() queue: Deque[Node] = deque() # Add starting vertex and all its children to the processing list. # If a child is the destination, break immediately else go into 'else' branch and use BFS algorithm. visited.add(self) for edge in self._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination if nextVertex is destination: # Child is destination, so construct the last node for path traversal and break from loop. destinationNode = Node(startNode, nextVertex) break if nextVertex is not self: # Ignore backward-edges and side-edges. # Here self-edges, because there is only the starting vertex in the list of visited edges. visited.add(nextVertex) queue.appendleft(Node(startNode, nextVertex)) else: # Process queue until destination is found or no further vertices are reachable. while queue: node = queue.pop() for edge in node.ref._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination # Next reachable vertex is destination, so construct the last node for path traversal and break from loop. if nextVertex is destination: destinationNode = Node(node, nextVertex) break # Ignore backward-edges and side-edges. if nextVertex not in visited: visited.add(nextVertex) queue.appendleft(Node(node, nextVertex)) # Next 3 lines realize a double-break if break was called in inner loop, otherwise continue with outer loop. else: continue break else: # All reachable vertices have been processed, but destination was not among them. raise DestinationNotReachable(f"Destination is not reachable.") # Reverse order of linked list from destinationNode to startNode currentNode = destinationNode previousNode = destinationNode.parent currentNode.parent = None while previousNode is not None: node = previousNode.parent previousNode.parent = currentNode currentNode = previousNode previousNode = node # Scan reversed linked-list and yield referenced vertices yield startNode.ref node = startNode.parent while node is not None: yield node.ref node = node.parent
[docs] def ShortestPathToByWeight(self, destination: 'Vertex') -> Generator['Vertex', None, None]: """ Compute the shortest path (by edge weight) between this vertex and the destination vertex. A generator is return to iterate all vertices along the path including source and destination vertex. The search algorithm is based on Dijkstra algorithm and using :mod:`heapq`. The found solution, if any, is not unique but deterministic as long as the graph was not modified (e.g. ordering of edges on vertices). :param destination: The destination vertex to reach. :return: A generator to iterate all vertices on the path found between this vertex and the destination vertex. """ # Improvements: both-sided Dijkstra (search from start and destination to reduce discovered area. # Trivial case if start is destination if self is destination: yield self return # Local struct to create multiple-linked lists forming a paths from current node back to the starting point # (actually a tree). Each node holds the overall weight from start to current node and a reference to the vertex it # represents. # Hint: slotted classes are faster than '@dataclasses.dataclass'. class Node(metaclass=ExtendedType, slots=True): parent: 'Node' distance: EdgeWeightType ref: Vertex def __init__(self, parent: 'Node', distance: EdgeWeightType, ref: Vertex) -> None: self.parent = parent self.distance = distance self.ref = ref def __lt__(self, other): return self.distance < other.distance def __str__(self): return f"Vertex: {self.ref.ID}" visited: Set['Vertex'] = set() startNode = Node(None, 0, self) priorityQueue = [startNode] # Add starting vertex and all its children to the processing list. # If a child is the destination, break immediately else go into 'else' branch and use Dijkstra algorithm. visited.add(self) for edge in self._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination # Child is destination, so construct the last node for path traversal and break from loop. if nextVertex is destination: destinationNode = Node(startNode, edge._weight, nextVertex) break # Ignore backward-edges and side-edges. # Here self-edges, because there is only the starting vertex in the list of visited edges. if nextVertex is not self: visited.add(nextVertex) heapq.heappush(priorityQueue, Node(startNode, edge._weight, nextVertex)) else: # Process priority queue until destination is found or no further vertices are reachable. while priorityQueue: node = heapq.heappop(priorityQueue) for edge in node.ref._outboundEdges: nextVertex = edge.Destination # Next reachable vertex is destination, so construct the last node for path traversal and break from loop. if nextVertex is destination: destinationNode = Node(node, node.distance + edge._weight, nextVertex) break # Ignore backward-edges and side-edges. if nextVertex not in visited: visited.add(nextVertex) heapq.heappush(priorityQueue, Node(node, node.distance + edge._weight, nextVertex)) # Next 3 lines realize a double-break if break was called in inner loop, otherwise continue with outer loop. else: continue break else: # All reachable vertices have been processed, but destination was not among them. raise DestinationNotReachable(f"Destination is not reachable.") # Reverse order of linked-list from destinationNode to startNode currentNode = destinationNode previousNode = destinationNode.parent currentNode.parent = None while previousNode is not None: node = previousNode.parent previousNode.parent = currentNode currentNode = previousNode previousNode = node # Scan reversed linked-list and yield referenced vertices yield (startNode.ref, startNode.distance) node = startNode.parent while node is not None: yield (node.ref, node.distance) node = node.parent
# Other possible algorithms: # * Bellman-Ford # * Floyd-Warshall # def PathExistsTo(self, destination: 'Vertex'): # raise NotImplementedError() # # DFS # # Union find # # def MaximumFlowTo(self, destination: 'Vertex'): # raise NotImplementedError() # # Ford-Fulkerson algorithm # # Edmons-Karp algorithm # # Dinic's algorithm
[docs] def ConvertToTree(self) -> Node: """ Converts all reachable vertices from this starting vertex to a tree of :class:`~pyTooling.Tree.Node` instances. The tree is traversed using depths-first-search. :return: """ visited: Set[Vertex] = set() stack: List[Tuple[Node, typing_Iterator[Edge]]] = list() root = Node(nodeID=self._id, value=self._value) root._dict = self._dict.copy() visited.add(self) stack.append((root, iter(self._outboundEdges))) while True: try: edge = next(stack[-1][1]) nextVertex = edge._destination if nextVertex not in visited: node = Node(nextVertex._id, nextVertex._value, parent=stack[-1][0]) visited.add(nextVertex) if len(nextVertex._outboundEdges) != 0: stack.append((node, iter(nextVertex._outboundEdges))) else: raise NotATreeError(f"The directed subgraph is not a tree.") # TODO: compute cycle: # a) branch 1 is described in stack # b) branch 2 can be found by walking from joint to root in the tree except StopIteration: stack.pop() if len(stack) == 0: return root
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns a detailed string representation of the vertex. :returns: The detailed string representation of the vertex. """ vertexID = value = "" sep = ": " if self._id is not None: vertexID = f"{sep}vertexID='{self._id}'" sep = "; " if self._value is not None: value = f"{sep}value='{self._value}'" return f"<vertex{vertexID}{value}>"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a string representation of the vertex. Order of resolution: 1. If :attr:`_value` is not None, return the string representation of :attr:`_value`. 2. If :attr:`_id` is not None, return the string representation of :attr:`_id`. 3. Else, return :meth:`__repr__`. :returns: The resolved string representation of the vertex. """ if self._value is not None: return str(self._value) elif self._id is not None: return str(self._id) else: return self.__repr__()
[docs] @export class BaseEdge( BaseWithIDValueAndWeight[EdgeIDType, EdgeValueType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType], Generic[EdgeIDType, EdgeValueType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType] ): """ An **edge** can have a unique ID, a value, a weight and attached meta information as key-value-pairs. All edges are directed. """ _source: Vertex _destination: Vertex
[docs] def __init__(self, source: Vertex, destination: Vertex, edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, value: Nullable[EdgeValueType] = None, weight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseEdge::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__(edgeID, value, weight) self._source = source self._destination = destination component = source._component if component is not destination._component: # TODO: should it be divided into with/without ID? oldComponent = destination._component for vertex in oldComponent._vertices: vertex._component = component component._vertices.add(vertex) component._graph._components.remove(oldComponent) del oldComponent
@readonly def Source(self) -> Vertex: """ Read-only property to get the source (:attr:`_source`) of an edge. :returns: The source of an edge. """ return self._source @readonly def Destination(self) -> Vertex: """ Read-only property to get the destination (:attr:`_destination`) of an edge. :returns: The destination of an edge. """ return self._destination
[docs] def Reverse(self) -> None: """Reverse the direction of this edge.""" swap = self._source self._source = self._destination self._destination = swap
[docs] @export class Edge( BaseEdge[EdgeIDType, EdgeValueType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType], Generic[EdgeIDType, EdgeValueType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType] ): """ An **edge** can have a unique ID, a value, a weight and attached meta information as key-value-pairs. All edges are directed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source: Vertex, destination: Vertex, edgeID: Nullable[EdgeIDType] = None, value: Nullable[EdgeValueType] = None, weight: Nullable[EdgeWeightType] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Edge::init Needs documentation. """ if not isinstance(source, Vertex): raise TypeError("Parameter 'source' is not of type 'Vertex'.") if not isinstance(destination, Vertex): raise TypeError("Parameter 'destination' is not of type 'Vertex'.") if edgeID is not None and not isinstance(edgeID, Hashable): raise TypeError("Parameter 'edgeID' is not of type 'EdgeIDType'.") # if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Vertex): # raise TypeError("Parameter 'value' is not of type 'EdgeValueType'.") if weight is not None and not isinstance(weight, (int, float)): raise TypeError("Parameter 'weight' is not of type 'EdgeWeightType'.") if source._graph is not destination._graph: raise NotInSameGraph(f"Source vertex and destination vertex are not in same graph.") super().__init__(source, destination, edgeID, value, weight)
def Delete(self) -> None: # Remove from Source and Destination self._source._outboundEdges.remove(self) self._destination._inboundEdges.remove(self) # Remove from Graph and Subgraph if self._id is None: self._source._graph._edgesWithoutID.remove(self) if self._source._subgraph is not None: self._source._subgraph._edgesWithoutID.remove(self) else: del self._source._graph._edgesWithID[self._id] if self._source._subgraph is not None: del self._source._subgraph._edgesWithID[self] self._Delete() def _Delete(self) -> None: super().Delete()
[docs] def Reverse(self) -> None: """Reverse the direction of this edge.""" self._source._outboundEdges.remove(self) self._source._inboundEdges.append(self) self._destination._inboundEdges.remove(self) self._destination._outboundEdges.append(self) super().Reverse()
[docs] @export class BaseGraph( BaseWithName[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType], Generic[ GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseGraph Needs documentation. """ _verticesWithID: Dict[VertexIDType, Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]] _verticesWithoutID: List[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]] _edgesWithID: Dict[EdgeIDType, Edge[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]] _edgesWithoutID: List[Edge[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType]] _linksWithID: Dict[EdgeIDType, Link[LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]] _linksWithoutID: List[Link[LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]]
[docs] def __init__(self, name: Nullable[str] = None): #, vertices: Nullable[Iterable[Vertex]] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseGraph::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__(name) self._verticesWithoutID = [] self._verticesWithID = {} self._edgesWithoutID = [] self._edgesWithID = {} self._linksWithoutID = [] self._linksWithID = {}
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseGraph::del Needs documentation. """ try: del self._verticesWithoutID del self._verticesWithID del self._edgesWithoutID del self._edgesWithID del self._linksWithoutID del self._linksWithID except AttributeError: pass super().__del__()
@readonly def VertexCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of vertices in this graph. :returns: The number of vertices in this graph.""" return len(self._verticesWithoutID) + len(self._verticesWithID) @readonly def EdgeCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of edges in this graph. :returns: The number of edges in this graph.""" return len(self._edgesWithoutID) + len(self._edgesWithID) @readonly def LinkCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of links in this graph. :returns: The number of links in this graph.""" return len(self._linksWithoutID) + len(self._linksWithID)
[docs] def IterateVertices(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected vertices of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip vertices in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any vertex and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all vertices. """ if predicate is None: yield from self._verticesWithoutID yield from self._verticesWithID.values() else: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if predicate(vertex): yield vertex for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): if predicate(vertex): yield vertex
[docs] def IterateRoots(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected roots (vertices without inbound edges / without predecessors) of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip vertices in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any vertex and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all vertices without inbound edges. .. seealso:: :meth:`IterateLeafs` |br| |rarr| Iterate leafs of a graph. :meth:`Vertex.IsRoot <pyTooling.Graph.Vertex.IsRoot>` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a root vertex in the graph. :meth:`Vertex.IsLeaf <pyTooling.Graph.Vertex.IsLeaf>` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a leaf vertex in the graph. """ if predicate is None: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if len(vertex._inboundEdges) == 0: yield vertex for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): if len(vertex._inboundEdges) == 0: yield vertex else: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if len(vertex._inboundEdges) == 0 and predicate(vertex): yield vertex for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): if len(vertex._inboundEdges) == 0 and predicate(vertex): yield vertex
[docs] def IterateLeafs(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected leafs (vertices without outbound edges / without successors) of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip vertices in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any vertex and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all vertices without outbound edges. .. seealso:: :meth:`IterateRoots` |br| |rarr| Iterate roots of a graph. :meth:`Vertex.IsRoot <pyTooling.Graph.Vertex.IsRoot>` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a root vertex in the graph. :meth:`Vertex.IsLeaf <pyTooling.Graph.Vertex.IsLeaf>` |br| |rarr| Check if a vertex is a leaf vertex in the graph. """ if predicate is None: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if len(vertex._outboundEdges) == 0: yield vertex for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): if len(vertex._outboundEdges) == 0: yield vertex else: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if len(vertex._outboundEdges) == 0 and predicate(vertex): yield vertex for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): if len(vertex._outboundEdges) == 0 and predicate(vertex): yield vertex
# def IterateBFS(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: # raise NotImplementedError() # # def IterateDFS(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: # raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def IterateTopologically(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType], None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected vertices in topological order. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip vertices in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any vertex and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all vertices in topological order. :except CycleError: Raised if graph is cyclic, thus topological sorting isn't possible. """ outboundEdgeCounts = {} leafVertices = [] for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: count = len(vertex._outboundEdges) if count == 0: leafVertices.append(vertex) else: outboundEdgeCounts[vertex] = count for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): count = len(vertex._outboundEdges) if count == 0: leafVertices.append(vertex) else: outboundEdgeCounts[vertex] = count if not leafVertices: raise CycleError(f"Graph has no leafs. Thus, no topological sorting exists.") overallCount = len(outboundEdgeCounts) + len(leafVertices) def removeVertex(vertex: Vertex): nonlocal overallCount overallCount -= 1 for inboundEdge in vertex._inboundEdges: sourceVertex = inboundEdge.Source count = outboundEdgeCounts[sourceVertex] - 1 outboundEdgeCounts[sourceVertex] = count if count == 0: leafVertices.append(sourceVertex) if predicate is None: for vertex in leafVertices: yield vertex removeVertex(vertex) else: for vertex in leafVertices: if predicate(vertex): yield vertex removeVertex(vertex) if overallCount == 0: return elif overallCount > 0: raise CycleError(f"Graph has remaining vertices. Thus, the graph has at least one cycle.") raise InternalError(f"Graph data structure is corrupted.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] def IterateEdges(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Edge], bool]] = None) -> Generator[Edge[EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType], None, None]: """ Iterate all or selected edges of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip edges in the generator. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. :returns: A generator to iterate all edges. """ if predicate is None: yield from self._edgesWithoutID yield from self._edgesWithID.values() else: for edge in self._edgesWithoutID: if predicate(edge): yield edge for edge in self._edgesWithID.values(): if predicate(edge): yield edge
[docs] def ReverseEdges(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Edge], bool]] = None) -> None: """ Reverse all or selected edges of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip edges. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._edgesWithoutID: swap = edge._source edge._source = edge._destination edge._destination = swap for edge in self._edgesWithID.values(): swap = edge._source edge._source = edge._destination edge._destination = swap for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: swap = vertex._inboundEdges vertex._inboundEdges = vertex._outboundEdges vertex._outboundEdges = swap for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): swap = vertex._inboundEdges vertex._inboundEdges = vertex._outboundEdges vertex._outboundEdges = swap else: for edge in self._edgesWithoutID: if predicate(edge): edge.Reverse() for edge in self._edgesWithID.values(): if predicate(edge): edge.Reverse()
[docs] def RemoveEdges(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Edge], bool]] = None): """ Remove all or selected edges of a graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip edges. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any edge and returning a boolean. """ if predicate is None: for edge in self._edgesWithoutID: edge._Delete() for edge in self._edgesWithID.values(): edge._Delete() self._edgesWithoutID = [] self._edgesWithID = {} for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: vertex._inboundEdges = [] vertex._outboundEdges = [] for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): vertex._inboundEdges = [] vertex._outboundEdges = [] else: delEdges = [edge for edge in self._edgesWithID.values() if predicate(edge)] for edge in delEdges: del self._edgesWithID[edge._id] edge._source._outboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._destination._inboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._Delete() for edge in self._edgesWithoutID: if predicate(edge): self._edgesWithoutID.remove(edge) edge._source._outboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._destination._inboundEdges.remove(edge) edge._Delete()
[docs] def HasCycle(self) -> bool: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::BaseGraph::HasCycle Needs documentation. """ # IsAcyclic ? # Handle trivial case if graph is empty if len(self._verticesWithID) + len(self._verticesWithoutID) == 0: return False outboundEdgeCounts = {} leafVertices = [] for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: count = len(vertex._outboundEdges) if count == 0: leafVertices.append(vertex) else: outboundEdgeCounts[vertex] = count for vertex in self._verticesWithID.values(): count = len(vertex._outboundEdges) if count == 0: leafVertices.append(vertex) else: outboundEdgeCounts[vertex] = count # If there are no leafs, then each vertex has at least one inbound and one outbound edges. Thus, there is a cycle. if not leafVertices: return True overallCount = len(outboundEdgeCounts) + len(leafVertices) for vertex in leafVertices: overallCount -= 1 for inboundEdge in vertex._inboundEdges: sourceVertex = inboundEdge.Source count = outboundEdgeCounts[sourceVertex] - 1 outboundEdgeCounts[sourceVertex] = count if count == 0: leafVertices.append(sourceVertex) # If all vertices were processed, no cycle exists. if overallCount == 0: return False # If there are remaining vertices, then a cycle exists. elif overallCount > 0: return True raise InternalError(f"Graph data structure is corrupted.") # pragma: no cover
[docs] @export class Subgraph( BaseGraph[ SubgraphDictKeyType, SubgraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ], Generic[ SubgraphDictKeyType, SubgraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Subgraph Needs documentation. """ _graph: 'Graph'
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: 'Graph', name: Nullable[str] = None, vertices: Nullable[Iterable[Vertex]] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Subgraph::init Needs documentation. """ if graph is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'graph' is None.") if not isinstance(graph, Graph): raise TypeError("Parameter 'graph' is not of type 'Graph'.") super().__init__(name) graph._subgraphs.add(self) self._graph = graph
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Subgraph::del Needs documentation. """ super().__del__()
@readonly def Graph(self) -> 'Graph': """ Read-only property to access the graph, this subgraph is associated to (:attr:`_graph`). :returns: The graph this subgraph is associated to. """ return self._graph
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Subgraph::str Needs documentation. """ return self._name if self._name is not None else "Unnamed subgraph"
[docs] @export class View( BaseWithVertices[ ViewDictKeyType, ViewDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ], Generic[ ViewDictKeyType, ViewDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::View Needs documentation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: 'Graph', name: Nullable[str] = None, vertices: Nullable[Iterable[Vertex]] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::View::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__(graph, name, vertices) graph._views.add(self)
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::View::del Needs documentation. """ super().__del__()
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::View::str Needs documentation. """ return self._name if self._name is not None else "Unnamed view"
[docs] @export class Component( BaseWithVertices[ ComponentDictKeyType, ComponentDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ], Generic[ ComponentDictKeyType, ComponentDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Component Needs documentation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, graph: 'Graph', name: Nullable[str] = None, vertices: Nullable[Iterable[Vertex]] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Component::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__(graph, name, vertices) graph._components.add(self)
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Component::del Needs documentation. """ super().__del__()
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Component::str Needs documentation. """ return self._name if self._name is not None else "Unnamed component"
[docs] @export class Graph( BaseGraph[ GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ], Generic[ GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, ComponentDictKeyType, ComponentDictValueType, SubgraphDictKeyType, SubgraphDictValueType, ViewDictKeyType, ViewDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType ] ): """ A **graph** data structure is represented by an instance of :class:`~pyTooling.Graph.Graph` holding references to all nodes. Nodes are instances of :class:`~pyTooling.Graph.Vertex` classes and directed links between nodes are made of :class:`~pyTooling.Graph.Edge` instances. A graph can have attached meta information as key-value-pairs. """ _subgraphs: Set[Subgraph[SubgraphDictKeyType, SubgraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]] _views: Set[View[ViewDictKeyType, ViewDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]] _components: Set[Component[ComponentDictKeyType, ComponentDictValueType, GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]]
[docs] def __init__(self, name: Nullable[str] = None) -> None: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::init Needs documentation. """ super().__init__(name) self._subgraphs = set() self._views = set() self._components = set()
[docs] def __del__(self): """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::del Needs documentation. """ try: del self._subgraphs del self._views del self._components except AttributeError: pass super().__del__()
@readonly def Subgraphs(self) -> Set[Subgraph]: """Read-only property to access the subgraphs in this graph (:attr:`_subgraphs`). :returns: The set of subgraphs in this graph.""" return self._subgraphs @readonly def Views(self) -> Set[View]: """Read-only property to access the views in this graph (:attr:`_views`). :returns: The set of views in this graph.""" return self._views @readonly def Components(self) -> Set[Component]: """Read-only property to access the components in this graph (:attr:`_components`). :returns: The set of components in this graph.""" return self._components @readonly def SubgraphCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of subgraphs in this graph. :returns: The number of subgraphs in this graph.""" return len(self._subgraphs) @readonly def ViewCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of views in this graph. :returns: The number of views in this graph.""" return len(self._views) @readonly def ComponentCount(self) -> int: """Read-only property to access the number of components in this graph. :returns: The number of components in this graph.""" return len(self._components)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> typing_Iterator[Vertex[GraphDictKeyType, GraphDictValueType, VertexIDType, VertexWeightType, VertexValueType, VertexDictKeyType, VertexDictValueType, EdgeIDType, EdgeWeightType, EdgeValueType, EdgeDictKeyType, EdgeDictValueType, LinkIDType, LinkWeightType, LinkValueType, LinkDictKeyType, LinkDictValueType]]: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::iter Needs documentation. """ def gen(): yield from self._verticesWithoutID yield from self._verticesWithID return iter(gen())
[docs] def GetVertexByID(self, vertexID: Nullable[VertexIDType]) -> Vertex: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::GetVertexByID Needs documentation. """ if vertexID is None: if len(self._verticesWithoutID) > 1: raise KeyError(f"Found multiple vertices with ID `None`.") else: try: return self._verticesWithoutID[0] except IndexError: raise KeyError(f"Found no vertex with ID `None`.") else: return self._verticesWithID[vertexID]
[docs] def GetVertexByValue(self, value) -> Vertex: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::GetVertexByValue Needs documentation. """ vertices = [vertex for vertex in chain(self._verticesWithID.values(), self._verticesWithoutID) if vertex._value == value] if len(vertices) > 1: raise KeyError(f"Found multiple vertices with Value == `{value}`.") else: try: return vertices[0] except IndexError: raise KeyError(f"Found no vertex with Value == `{value}`.")
def CopyGraph(self) -> 'Graph': raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def CopyVertices(self, predicate: Nullable[Callable[[Vertex], bool]] = None, copyGraphDict: bool = True, copyVertexDict: bool = True) -> 'Graph': """ Create a new graph and copy all or selected vertices of the original graph. If parameter ``predicate`` is not None, the given filter function is used to skip vertices. :param predicate: Filter function accepting any vertex and returning a boolean. :param copyGraphDict: If ``True``, copy all graph attached attributes into the new graph. :param copyVertexDict: If ``True``, copy all vertex attached attributes into the new vertices. """ graph = Graph(self._name) if copyGraphDict: graph._dict = self._dict.copy() if predicate is None: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: v = Vertex(None, vertex._value, graph=graph) if copyVertexDict: v._dict = vertex._dict.copy() for vertexID, vertex in self._verticesWithID.items(): v = Vertex(vertexID, vertex._value, graph=graph) if copyVertexDict: v._dict = vertex._dict.copy() else: for vertex in self._verticesWithoutID: if predicate(vertex): v = Vertex(None, vertex._value, graph=graph) if copyVertexDict: v._dict = vertex._dict.copy() for vertexID, vertex in self._verticesWithID.items(): if predicate(vertex): v = Vertex(vertexID, vertex._value, graph=graph) if copyVertexDict: v._dict = vertex._dict.copy() return graph
# class Iterator(): # visited = [False for _ in range(self.__len__())] # def CheckForNegativeCycles(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # Bellman-Ford # # Floyd-Warshall # # def IsStronglyConnected(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # def GetStronglyConnectedComponents(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # Tarjan's and Kosaraju's algorithm # # def TravelingSalesmanProblem(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # Held-Karp # # branch and bound # # def GetBridges(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # def GetArticulationPoints(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # def MinimumSpanningTree(self): # raise NotImplementedError() # # Kruskal # # Prim's algorithm # # Buruvka's algorithm
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::repr Needs documentation. """ statistics = f", vertices: {self.VertexCount}, edges: {self.EdgeCount}" if self._name is None: return f"<graph: unnamed graph{statistics}>" else: return f"<graph: '{self._name}'{statistics}>"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ .. todo:: GRAPH::Graph::str Needs documentation. """ if self._name is None: return f"Graph: unnamed graph" else: return f"Graph: '{self._name}'"