
General Extension Setup

To use the sphinx-reports extension in your Sphinx documentation project, the sphinx_reports package must be downloaded and installed from PyPI in your environment. The installation page also shows, how to update the package from PyPI using pip.

At next, it’s recommended to add sphinx_reports to your documentation’s doc/requirements.txt. As modification to the package might bring braking changes, it’s recommended to specify a package version (range/limit).

See the following doc/requirements.txt file as an example with commonly used extensions:

-r ../requirements.txt

# Enforce latest version on ReadTheDocs
sphinx ~= 7
docutils ~= 0.18

# ReadTheDocs Theme
sphinx_rtd_theme ~= 2.0

# Sphinx Extenstions
sphinxcontrib-mermaid ~= 0.9.2
autoapi ~= 2.0.1
sphinx_design ~= 0.5.0
sphinx-copybutton ~= 0.5.2
sphinx_autodoc_typehints ~= 1.25.2
sphinx_reports ~= 1.0

Finally, the extension needs to be enabled in Sphinx’s conf.py, so the extension is loaded by Sphinx.

The following code snippets shows a list of commonly enabled extensions, including sphinx_report:

# ==============================================================================
# Extensions
# ==============================================================================
extensions = [
# Standard Sphinx extensions
# SphinxContrib extensions
# Other extensions
# User defined extensions
  # ...