# ==================================================================================================================== #
# _ _ _ #
# ___ _ __ | |__ (_)_ __ __ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __| |_ ___ #
# / __| '_ \| '_ \| | '_ \\ \/ /____| '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \| '__| __/ __| #
# \__ \ |_) | | | | | | | |> <_____| | | __/ |_) | (_) | | | |_\__ \ #
# |___/ .__/|_| |_|_|_| |_/_/\_\ |_| \___| .__/ \___/|_| \__|___/ #
# |_| |_| #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Authors: #
# Patrick Lehmann #
# #
# License: #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
# Copyright 2023-2024 Patrick Lehmann - Bötzingen, Germany #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at #
# #
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
# #
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #
# ==================================================================================================================== #
**Report unit test results as Sphinx documentation page(s).**
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, List, Mapping, Generator, TypedDict, ClassVar
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import flag
from pyTooling.Decorators import export
from pyEDAA.Reports.Unittesting import TestcaseStatus, TestsuiteStatus
from pyEDAA.Reports.Unittesting.JUnit import Testsuite, TestsuiteSummary, Testcase, Document
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.config import Config
from sphinx_reports.Common import ReportExtensionError
from sphinx_reports.Sphinx import strip, BaseDirective
class report_DictType(TypedDict):
xml_report: Path
class UnittestSummary(BaseDirective):
This directive will be replaced by a table representing unit test results.
has_content = False
required_arguments = 0
optional_arguments = 2
option_spec = {
"reportid": strip,
"no-assertions": flag
directiveName: str = "unittest-summary"
configPrefix: str = "unittest"
configValues: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, str, Any]] = {
f"{configPrefix}_testsuites": ({}, "env", Dict)
} #: A dictionary of all configuration values used by unittest directives.
_testSummaries: ClassVar[Dict[str, report_DictType]] = {}
_reportID: str
_noAssertions: bool
_xmlReport: Path
_testsuite: TestsuiteSummary
def _CheckOptions(self) -> None:
Parse all directive options or use default values.
self._reportID = self._ParseStringOption("reportid")
self._noAssertions = "without-assertions" in self.options
testSummary = self._testSummaries[self._reportID]
except KeyError as ex:
raise ReportExtensionError(f"No unit testing configuration item for '{self._reportID}'.") from ex
self._xmlReport = testSummary["xml_report"]
def CheckConfiguration(cls, sphinxApplication: Sphinx, sphinxConfiguration: Config) -> None:
Check configuration fields and load necessary values.
:param sphinxApplication: Sphinx application instance.
:param sphinxConfiguration: Sphinx configuration instance.
def ReadReports(cls, sphinxApplication: Sphinx) -> None:
Read unittest report files.
:param sphinxApplication: Sphinx application instance.
print(f"[REPORT] Reading unittest reports ...")
def _CheckConfiguration(cls, sphinxConfiguration: Config) -> None:
from sphinx_reports import ReportDomain
variableName = f"{ReportDomain.name}_{cls.configPrefix}_testsuites"
allTestsuites: Dict[str, report_DictType] = sphinxConfiguration[f"{ReportDomain.name}_{cls.configPrefix}_testsuites"]
except (KeyError, AttributeError) as ex:
raise ReportExtensionError(f"Configuration option '{variableName}' is not configured.") from ex
# try:
# testsuiteConfiguration = allTestsuites[self._reportID]
# except KeyError as ex:
# raise ReportExtensionError(f"conf.py: {ReportDomain.name}_{self.configPrefix}_testsuites: No configuration found for '{self._reportID}'.") from ex
for reportID, testSummary in allTestsuites.items():
summaryName = f"conf.py: {variableName}:[{reportID}]"
xmlReport = Path(testSummary["xml_report"])
except KeyError as ex:
raise ReportExtensionError(f"{summaryName}.xml_report: Configuration is missing.") from ex
if not xmlReport.exists():
raise ReportExtensionError(f"{summaryName}.xml_report: Unittest report file '{xmlReport}' doesn't exist.") from FileNotFoundError(xmlReport)
cls._testSummaries[reportID] = {
"xml_report": xmlReport
def _GenerateTestSummaryTable(self) -> nodes.table:
# Create a table and table header with 8 columns
columns = [
("Testsuite / Testcase", None, 500),
("Testcases", None, 100),
("Skipped", None, 100),
("Errored", None, 100),
("Failed", None, 100),
("Passed", None, 100),
("Assertions", None, 100),
("Runtime (HH:MM:SS.sss)", None, 100),
# If assertions shouldn't be displayed, remove column from columns list
if self._noAssertions:
table, tableGroup = self._CreateTableHeader(
tableBody = nodes.tbody()
tableGroup += tableBody
def sortedValues(d: Mapping[str, Testsuite]) -> Generator[Testsuite, None, None]:
for key in sorted(d.keys()):
yield d[key]
def convertTestcaseStatusToSymbol(state: TestcaseStatus) -> str:
if state is TestcaseStatus.Passed:
return "✅"
elif state is TestcaseStatus.Unknown:
return "❓"
return "❌"
def convertTestsuiteStatusToSymbol(state: TestsuiteStatus) -> str:
if state is TestsuiteStatus.Passed:
return "✅"
elif state is TestsuiteStatus.Unknown:
return "❓"
return "❌"
def formatTimedelta(delta: timedelta) -> str:
if delta is None:
return ""
# Compute by hand, because timedelta._to_microseconds is not officially documented
microseconds = (delta.days * 86_400 + delta.seconds) * 1_000_000 + delta.microseconds
milliseconds = (microseconds + 500) // 1000
seconds = milliseconds // 1000
minutes = seconds // 60
hours = minutes // 60
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes % 60:02}:{seconds % 60:02}.{milliseconds % 1000:03}"
def renderRoot(tableBody: nodes.tbody, testsuite: TestsuiteSummary) -> None:
for ts in sortedValues(testsuite._testsuites):
renderTestsuite(tableBody, ts, 0)
def renderTestsuite(tableBody: nodes.tbody, testsuite: Testsuite, level: int) -> None:
state = convertTestsuiteStatusToSymbol(testsuite._status)
tableRow = nodes.row("", classes=["report-unittest-table-row", "report-testsuite"])
tableBody += tableRow
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{' ' * level}{state}{testsuite.Name}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testsuite.TestcaseCount}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testsuite.Skipped}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testsuite.Errored}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testsuite.Failed}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testsuite.Passed}"))
if not self._noAssertions:
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Uncovered}")),
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{formatTimedelta(testsuite.TotalDuration)}"))
for ts in sortedValues(testsuite._testsuites):
renderTestsuite(tableBody, ts, level + 1)
for testcase in sortedValues(testsuite._testcases):
renderTestcase(tableBody, testcase, level + 1)
def renderTestcase(tableBody: nodes.tbody, testcase: Testcase, level: int) -> None:
state = convertTestcaseStatusToSymbol(testcase._status)
tableRow = nodes.row("", classes=["report-unittest-table-row", "report-testcase"])
tableBody += tableRow
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{' ' * level}{state}{testcase.Name}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Expected}")),
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Covered}")),
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Uncovered}")),
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Uncovered}")),
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"")) # {testsuite.Uncovered}")),
if not self._noAssertions:
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{testcase.AssertionCount}"))
tableRow += nodes.entry("", nodes.paragraph(text=f"{formatTimedelta(testcase.TotalDuration)}"))
renderRoot(tableBody, self._testsuite)
# # Add a summary row
return table
def run(self) -> List[nodes.Node]:
container = nodes.container()
except ReportExtensionError as ex:
message = f"Caught {ex.__class__.__name__} when checking options for directive '{self.directiveName}'."
return self._internalError(container, __name__, message, ex)
# Assemble a list of Python source files
doc = Document(self._xmlReport, analyzeAndConvert=True)
except Exception as ex:
message = f"Caught {ex.__class__.__name__} when reading and parsing '{self._xmlReport}'."
return self._internalError(container, __name__, message, ex)
self._testsuite = doc.ToTestsuiteSummary()
except Exception as ex:
message = f"Caught {ex.__class__.__name__} when converting to a TestsuiteSummary for JUnit document '{self._xmlReport}'."
return self._internalError(container, __name__, message, ex)
container += self._GenerateTestSummaryTable()
except Exception as ex:
message = f"Caught {ex.__class__.__name__} when generating the document structure for JUnit document '{self._xmlReport}'."
return self._internalError(container, __name__, message, ex)
return [container]